- VSO implemented the Federation and single sign-on allowing centralized control of the customers AWS users bringing them to best practices compliance.
The customer needed assistance migrating their CMS and database applications to the cloud. The new CMS tool was serverless and so the customer needed an environment created so as to complete serverless actions in the CMS. USTC had an existing AWS infrastructure, however they were also in need of assistance with general governance and compliance. The project initially targeted completion in June 2020.
VSO proposed to implement CI/CD pipelines with infrastructure as code, utilizing Terraform for account and infrastructure deployments. We aimed to implement a multi account strategy within AWS organizations so as to centralize account management, compliance and billing, and implementing central IAM with single sign on and Federation. VSO updated the customer’s account into organizational structure and brought the customer’s environment into compliance with networking and security best practices. VSO utilized Terraform to emulate an AWS Landing Zone.
VSO migrated the USTC core, mission critical application to the cloud, followed by a migration of their on-premises applications to the cloud. Beginning in December 2019, U.S. Tax Court engaged AWS and VSO for a professional services (ProServe) project to migrate the BS-CMS application and convert associated data into an AWS cloud-based environment.
Customer Benefits & Success Metrics
VSO used AWS Snowball and EC2 instances to migrate the customers data into S3 buckets. We implemented the Federation and single sign-on allowing centralized control of the customers AWS users bringing them to best practices compliance. VSO also implemented a Transit Gateway with single egress VPCs and Direct Connect with failover to VPN allowing multi-account and multi-VPC connectivity. VSO implemented centralized security and logging accounts, utilizing Security Hub, Guard Duty, Cloud Trail, Cloud Watch and Config.
Hash Tags
#Design, #User Focused, #Architecture, #Migrate, #deployment, #cloud, #federal, #AWS, #code pipeline